Interactive Micro-Website
We partnered with X-Team to work on a high-profile micro-website for a well-known Hollywood TV studio
Micro-website for a well-known Hollywood TV studio
Custom circles Different user experiences depending on the browsers and devices
Custom circles Wide range of carousel components used throughout the website to cover the different development needs
We built a rich, interactive and responsive micro-website designed for desktops, tablets and mobile and capable of supporting high volume of traffic.
Custom circles Create a unique custom carousel component to be used under all circumstances
Custom circles Make it easily customizable to cover all imaginable carousel needs
Custom circles Use the latest html standards to guarantee the continuity and quality of the user experience on all devices
Custom circles Single component that allows to define breakpoints and behaviors, control arrows and position indicator, automatic redimension, touch compatible (drag & drop)
Custom circles Performant solutions including pre-charge of html elements
Custom circles Open source component available on Bower: check it out on its dedicated website or download it on GitHub (along with its extensive documentation)