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Streamline your daily operations and free up resources with AWS

NaNLABS is the tech sidekick you need on your AWS journey!

As AWS partners, we help you harness AWS power for efficient infrastructure development, management, and scaling.

Ready to speed up your time-to-market, cut infrastructure costs, and optimize resources?

Streamline your infrastructure

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Solutions for modern application development

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Accelerate Deployment to Stay Ahead

Deploy your application quickly with a wide range of services, such as AWS Lambda.

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Scale your platform as your business grows

Eliminate infrastructure management tasks to focus on other critical aspects of your business.

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Keep your budget under control

AWS is based on a pay-as-you-go model and offers tools like Cost Explorer for cost-efficiency.

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Boost your tech team performance

AWS Serverless manage servers so your team can focus on developing apps.


At NaNLABS, we don’t follow trends blindly; we shape the future by combining our expertise with technological advances. Continuous training is at the core of our strategy, enabling us to provide clients with cutting-edge software tailored to their specific needs. That’s also how and why we became AWS partners.

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Main AWS development solutions

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Could Native with AWS Serverless

Using AWS Serverless, we build scalable applications, freeing you from server management so you can focus on what truly matters.

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SaaS Apps Development

From development and storage to deployment in the Cloud, we leverage AWS to build your SaaS application.

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Web Development

We harness AWS solutions to enhance web development, building a scalable, secure, and cost-efficient infrastructure for your platform.

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Data Engineering and Analytics

With AWS' global reach and high availability, we deploy scalable solutions with minimal latency for you to get actionable insights fast.

AWS in action

We helped our client turn a proof of concept into an MVP in 90 days and here is how we did it:

About the project: Jeff Hatten created Popr.ai to offer a new way to connect with people on LinkedIn and increase the probability of getting new conversations started. The SaaS web app enables users to generate custom slide-based GIFs based on information collected on LinkedIn.

Challenges: The initial processes were basic and relied on manual processes, including LinkedIn contact information extraction. Moreover, the GIF generation process took up to 15 minutes. Ultimately, Popr.ai wasn’t scalable as is.

Solutions: We put together a custom tech stack, including AWS Lambda functions for generating high-quality GIFs and Amazon S3 buckets to store the generated GIFs. These two are vital for the GIF generation feature at the product's core.

Results: Our custom solution allowed Popr.ai to reduce the GIF generation time to less than 15 seconds, extract LinkedIn information easily with a tailored Chrome extension, and ultimately, achieve early validation from beta users.

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The people that we’ve worked with were not only part of our team, but we all felt like [we were] part of the same organization, working toward the same common goal.

Jeff Hatten

Ready to harness the power of AWS and propel your business to new heights?